Friday, March 27, 2020

Group Tutoring Versus Individual Tutoring - A Comparison

Group Tutoring Versus Individual Tutoring - A ComparisonGroup tutoring vs. individual tutoring - The difference in your child's life is significant. If you have a very creative child who has a lot of energy, but the grade drop between grades is going to be very large, it is clear that you need to consider group tutoring instead of individual tutoring.Group tutoring may sound appealing, but you need to realize that group tutoring is not necessarily any more effective. Children learn best when they are taught by others with whom they have some experience with. You can not teach a child to do something he does not know how to do.There are a number of reasons why you should not think of group tutoring as being any better than individual tutoring. When you are looking at the overall time that you will save, you will also find that the focus for your child will not be the same. In fact, when you are looking at the skill level of your child, there will be little to distinguish individual tu toring from group tutoring. This means that your child will learn only one thing at a time, and that is usually all you want.Individual tutoring allows your child to learn by self. With individual tutoring, you are focusing on one specific skill at a time. If you are looking at the progress between grades, you will see that most children's progress is almost immediately apparent. With group tutoring, you will notice a difference in the time between grades, and your child may very well make little progress until the next grade.While your child may seem to be progressing, your child may not even realize that he is learning anything. You may feel that your child is simply needing a break, but when you add it up, you will realize that it is a real time investment. When you consider the long term cost, the decision to send your child to group tutoring is not necessarily a good one. Since your child will most likely go back to group tutoring at the end of the school year, you will not onl y lose the opportunity to see the impact on your child's grades, but you will also lose the opportunity to see your child progress.Another thing that group tutoring will not offer is individual tutoring. Instead, you will get an outside view into the way that your child is learning the things that he needs to learn. If you are looking at one particular subject, you will find that there is often a natural progression that can be seen as your child learns that subject, and you will get a complete understanding of how you child is going to be able to answer the questions.As you can see, you should never settle for individual tutoring over group tutoring. Group tutoring is not better than individual tutoring, and you will probably be missing out on a whole lot if you put your child in group tutoring instead of individual tutoring.

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